Each Diamond Bible is handmade, individually numbered, and accompanied by an original diamond certificate. The exquisite design behind both the jewelry and the bookbinding is entrusted to the skilled hands of Israel’s finest professional artists.

The superior craftsmanship and attention to detail in the Diamond Bible seamlessly blends spirituality, beauty, and elegance.

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Yam Suf

Yam Suf


From Darkness to Light

From Darkness to Light


The Merkava

The Merkava








Twelve Tribes

Twelve Tribes


The art

Every Diamond Bible is a handmade creation. The natural diamonds in the bibles have been embedded into the front and back bindings in spectacular designs. This initial series of Diamond Bibles is aptly named the Beresheet Collection. The bindings that adorn the bibles are inspired by foundational biblical stories and motifs. Each of the Diamond Bibles in the Beresheet Collection has a unique name, color, concept, and design. These lavish pieces of luxury Judaica are exquisite works of art that intertwine the book and the jewel.